CEDAR Studio Retouch™ modes

CEDAR Studio Retouch


This is the classic spectral editing mode. It allows you to define an unwanted sound, remove it the touch of a button and replace it with sound rebuilt using powerful models that analyse the surrounding audio and then rebuild what would have been there had the noise not occurred.


Patch mode allows you to replace an area of audio with another of the same duration and the same range of frequencies (although not necessarily of the same frequencies). Think of this as copying the data from elsewhere in the spectrogram to the region that you initially defined.


Copy mode allows you to move an area of audio to another position. You can think of this as copying the data from a defined region to anywhere else in the spectrogram.


This mode provides a quick and simple way to erase unwanted events and replace them with background (atmos) calculated from the surrounding audio.


You may affect the amplitude of the signal within a region, and independently affect the amplitude of the signal lying outside that region. This allows you, for example, to reveal individual sounds or utterances within a file, either by amplifying the wanted sounds or by suppressing the rest of the audio, or both. By marking multiple regions simultaneously and reducing the amplitude of the 'outside' to its minimum, you can also use this to retain only the sounds or words wanted in an audio file.


Despite the power of Interpolation, Patching and Copying, there are times when those modes are unable to eliminate unwanted sounds quickly and efficiently. Example of this include restoring sounds such as wanted speech in the presence of strong, but relatively short-lived background noises such as gusts of wind blowing across a microphone. Cleanse mode was developed specifically to help in these situations, and will separate the wanted signal from the unwanted and allow you to suppress the noise at the touch of a button. Don't be misled - this isn't a rehash of existing noise reduction methods, but a powerful new patented process that achieves results never before possible.


Revert allows you to define any part of the spectrogram and return it to its original, unprocessed form. Much more powerful than stepping backward and forward through a list of actions, this allows the user to reinitialise any part of the audio no matter where it came in the process history, thus leaving later work untouched. You don't even have to Revert whole Retouch operations. If you like the result of a single process at, say, the end of a note, but feel that you could do better at the start of the note, you can reinitialise and reprocess this section of the audio no matter how many Retouches you have performed elsewhere since then. It's so quick and so powerful that you'll wonder how you ever worked without it.

Retouch Overview