
"The DNS One plugin is awsome! It's a must for film sound ... it's in a different league."
Daniel Böhm, Hungary

" As I work through a difficult show it occurs to me that there is nothing as clean, fast and effective as the DNS3000."
Terrance Dwyer, Mixers Hollywood

"The DNS 8 Live... I was blown away - the clarity of the vocal was astonishing."
Audio Media

"The DNS 8 Live... The masters of noise suppression magic have done it again."

" the adaptive limiter... the best sounding limiter I've ever heard"
Iain Roberton, Producer / Studio Manager, Imagem

"Respeed... truly the Holy Grail of disc restoration"
Graham Newton, Audio Resoration, Canada

High Definition magazine

"We LOVE the plugin!"
Wayne Bartlett, Bartmart Audio Inc., Canada

"the cost is not high, the time gained is priceless"
Sebastian Penno, Music Audio Recording Concepts, Germany

"CEDAR continues to pioneer new ideas and raise the standard... the gold standard by which all others are judged."
Bill Lacey, Resolution

"CEDAR has always had a delightful approach to software upgrades and has looked after its customers royally."
Mike Aiton, Audio Media

"In a league of its own."
Susan Pennington, Audio Media

"CEDAR Cambridge ... our first choice"
André Huthmann, Managing Sound Engineer at the Deutsches Rundfunk Archiv

"nothing performs noise suppression as effectively, as quickly, and without artefacts as my DNS1500"
Arturas Pugaciauskas, AP Sounddesign

"To get any better results we would have to change the studio itself.."
Nick Ashton, Sound Team Leader at ITN News, in Line Up

"the results that you can get from the DNS1000 are almost too good to be true."
Oliver France (Big Brother & Deal Or No Deal), in Line Up

"CEDAR Cambridge... used everyday in serious, organised crime and national security investigations, to great effect."
West Midlands Police, UK

"supreme capabilities"
Paul Cotterell, LipSync Post

"CEDAR Declip is the world's best tool for this purpose."
Eddy Brixen, EBB-consult

"the Gold Standard in noise reduction"
Rob James in Resolution

"... no company has done so much for audio restoration... no-one challenges the leadership of CEDAR "
Dieter Kahlen in Studio Magazin, Germany

"Wow! You have made my day, and that of my clients. In a word - superb!"
Jim Rabchuk of Audiobec, Canada

"...avoid shooting any ADR by using the CEDAR Cambridge and CEDAR DNS..."
Brian Slack of Widget Post, USA, in Post magazine

"My new best friend"
Scott Weber, dialogue and music editor for ABC's "Lost", in Mix magazine

"Phenomenally effective"
Hugh Robjohns, in Sound On Sound

"It's unbelievable. The things it can remove, it's almost scary."
George Meyer of Howard Schwartz Recording, interviewed in Post magazine

"CEDAR Cambridge... streets ahead in versatility and processing power"
Denis Blackham - Skye Mastering, in Resolution

"... low-cost software packages are toys in comparison."
Lee Leng Kok, Ancient Sound Restore, Singapore; in Pro Audio Asia

"Retouch... Amazing!"
Simon Gibson, Abbey Road

"CEDAR's dynamic noise suppression... Essential"
Rob James, Studio Sound

"CEDAR is in serious danger of becoming a generic term like Hoover or Biro."
Rob James, Studio Sound

"... a blinding bit of kit ... a killer product."
Mike Aiton-Browne of Molinare Studios in Audio Media

"the CEDAR DCX declicker...a miracle box!"
Dr. Frederick J. Bashour, Pro Audio Review

"CEDAR dehissing? Awesome! ... simply astounding."
David Frangioni, EQ Magazine

"Apparently irretrievable disasters were completely salvaged"
Dave Foister, Studio Sound

"... fixed problems that, to some seem irreparable."
Richard Lescallette, Audio Media USA

"... a mastering engineer's dream. "
(The late, great) Gabe Wiener, Mix

"... uncompromising quality."
Dave Foister, Studio Sound/MDR

"Powerful tools for the serious audio restorer or archivist."
George Petersen, Mix

"... a magic wand once thought impossible."
Dave Foister, Studio Sound/MDR

"CEDAR has greatly contributed to the unique restorations that we can achieve at Abbey Road."
Andrew Walter, EMI Abbey Road Studios, London

"CEDAR removes the disturbances but keeps the sound genuine."
Wolfgang Martens, Technical Director, Sonopress, Gutersloh

"the quick, effective way to solve awkward problems."
Simon Heyworth, Senior Engineer, CEO Mastering, London.